Feature & Follow Friday is a blog hop that is designed to provide some much-appreciated exposure to the bloggers participating, and to expand their following. Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each of whom feature a chosen blog for the week, it's an interesting way to get to know one another.
Question of the Week: What book do you think would make a great Halloween movie? Please explain in graphic detail of goriness…
Without a doubt, Brian Lumley's first Necroscope novel. I mean, you've got a hero who can not only speak to the dead, but call them from their cold, dusty graves for revenge; a Soviet spy who is able to divine the secrets of the dead by violating their corpses - an act from which he derives far too much sadistic pleasure; and a race of truly monstrous vampires so utterly horrific that you will never again be able to see a vampire in a romantic light.
Parajunkee also hosts a Social Hop for Facebook and Twitter, which I regularly take part in. So, if you're one of those people who aren't on Blogger, or who just don't like Google Friend Connect, it's a great way to keep in touch and follow one another.
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