Feature & Follow Friday is a blog hop that is designed to provide some much-appreciated exposure to the bloggers participating, and to expand their following. Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each of whom feature a chosen blog for the week, it's an interesting way to get to know one another.
Question of the Week: Summer Break is upon us! What would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading & relax?
Assuming money was no object and I had an unlimited budget, I'd love to fly over to Egypt, descend into one of the pyramids, and read deep within the cold, lonely tombs, surrounded by history, art, treasure, and mystery.
Parajunkee also hosts a Social Hop for Facebook and Twitter, which I've taken part in the past two weeks. So, if you're one of those people who aren't on Blogger, or who just don't like Google Friend Connect, it's a great way to keep in touch and follow one another.
TGIF is another blog hop designed to provide much-appreciated exposure to the bloggers participating, and to expand their following. Hosted by GReads, it's an interesting way to recap the week, pose a question, and find some exposure with a different audience.
Question of the Week: A Book Blogger is Born - What made you decide to
start your very own book blog?
A number of things really. I was already posting reviews on my Goodreads profile, and I was following a number of book review blogs I'd discovered there, so it seemed like a natural extension to begin my own blog. Also, I felt there was a real niche of adult fantasy/horror fiction out there, amidst all the YA fiction and Romance, that wasn't being fully exploited. Since I knew I'd be focussing as much on the dusty old books pulled from the shelves as I would on the shiniest new releases cracked open on the way home from Chapters, I really felt I had something new and unique to offer.
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