Question of the Week: Define what characteristics your favorite books share. Do they all have a kick ass heroine or is the hot love interest the Alpha Male?
I'd say they all have a hero who is defined by his creativity, imagination, and innovation. Not necessarily the strongest or biggest bad-ass around, but the kind of hero you'd want by your side when facing overwhelming odds.
Parajunkee also hosts a Social Hop for Facebook and Twitter, which I've taken part in the past two weeks. So, if you're one of those people who aren't on Blogger, or who just don't like Google Friend Connect, it's a great way to keep in touch and follow one another.
TGIF is another blog hop designed to provide much-appreciated exposure to the bloggers participating, and to expand their following. Hosted by GReads, it's an interesting way to recap the week, pose a question, and find some exposure with a different audience.
I'd say they all have a hero who is defined by his creativity, imagination, and innovation. Not necessarily the strongest or biggest bad-ass around, but the kind of hero you'd want by your side when facing overwhelming odds.
Parajunkee also hosts a Social Hop for Facebook and Twitter, which I've taken part in the past two weeks. So, if you're one of those people who aren't on Blogger, or who just don't like Google Friend Connect, it's a great way to keep in touch and follow one another.
Question of the Week: When you're browsing goodreads, the library, or another blogger's reviews, what grabs your attention to make you want to read it?
The cover is obviously a huge draw, as is the name of the author and their reputation. I tend to shy away from books that try to sell themselves too much - when half the cover is blurbs and praise from obscure media sources you've never heard of, I take that as a bad sign.
The cover is obviously a huge draw, as is the name of the author and their reputation. I tend to shy away from books that try to sell themselves too much - when half the cover is blurbs and praise from obscure media sources you've never heard of, I take that as a bad sign.
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